(888) 616-5141 info@legacycurator.org
Heritage revealed. Philanthropy inspired.
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Searchable Digital Database for Your Donor Recognition

LegacyCurator offers a comprehensive on-site audit to capture your total recognition catalog – complete with photos – in a user-friendly, searchable database that’s easily shared among colleagues in development, marketing, facility management, and other departments.

LC Tracker

Can our experts help you to capture the full depth and breadth of your donor recognition in a fully searchable digital database? Support your recognition planning initiatives? Identify naming opportunities for your next campaign? 

LC Helps You Link Past, Present and Future Philanthropy

Capture the full depth and breadth of your donor recognition.

LegacyCurator™ brings an expert team of recognition experts to your organization, for an on-site audit and photo session. We capture all relevant information and input it in a user-friendly digital database. This database can be accessed and shared across departments, helping to simplify the donor recognition process from start to finish. 


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Learn all about LegacyCurator and the efficient power of a searchable donor recognition database, including case studies and testimonials from the top colleges and hospitals in the country. 


“LegacyCurator was a joy to work with and exceeded my expectations. Geisinger has an extremely large, geographically spread out system that is almost 100 years old – we had a challenge and they organized and helped us tackle this project. Almost as soon as I got the hard copies back I used them to find and answer recognition-related questions! It paid for itself with one phone call from a donor asking about an old plaque.”

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Donna Ross

Senior Development Officer, Stewardship, Geisinger Health Systems

“After 29 years of working at Women & Infants Hospital, I feel privileged to be leading the Historical Hallway project which will honor donors from past decades. Through this process of preserving our philanthropy history, I have gained an even stronger appreciation for all those who supported our hospital in earlier times and I believe that the project has impacted others in the same manner.”

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Marilyn A. Squier

Donor Relations Philanthropy Officer, Department of Philanthropy, Women & Infants

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